Latest Preprints

Fumika Suzuki, and W. H. Zurek,
Dynamics of the order parameter in symmetry breaking phase transitions,
arXiv:2412.15568 (2024)

The formation of topological defects in second-order phase transitions can be studied by solving partial differential equations for the order parameter, such as the Langevin equation. We show that the ordinary differential equations governing the temporal or spatial evolution provide key insights into the dynamics of the phase transition. The temporal evolution predicts aspects of the adiabatic-impulse scenario, including freeze-out time scaling essential to the Kibble-Zurek mechanism (KZM). In particular, Bernoulli equations can be solved analytically in the overdamped case. The spatial evolution determines the characteristic domain size. This approach not only offers fundamental insights into KZM solely by ordinary differential equations but also enables exploration of Kibble-Zurek scaling over a broad range of quench timescales, which would be challenging with numerical simulations of full partial differential equations.

Selected Publications (corresponding author)

Fumika Suzuki, and W. H. Zurek,
Topological defect formation in a phase transition with tunable order,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 241601 (2024)
APS Physics Magazine
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Poster presentation

The Kibble-Zurek mechanism (KZM) describes the non-equilibrium dynamics and topological defect formation in systems undergoing second-order phase transitions. KZM has found applications in fields such as cosmology and condensed matter physics. KZM is generally applicable only to second-order phase transitions. However, here we extend the applicability of KZM to first-order phase transitions by combining it with nucleation theory.

Fumika Suzuki, S. A. Shah, Diego A. R. Dalvit, Markus Arndt,
Requirements for probing chiral Casimir-Polder forces in a molecular Talbot-Lau interferometer,
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 023145 (2024)

Chirality-dependent dispersion forces, such as the van der Waals (vdW) forces, the Casimir-Polder (CP) forces and the Casimir effects have been theoretically predicted with a growing attention towards their experimental detection. Talbot-Lau setup consisting of nanomechanical gratings is particularly sensitive to CP forces in the non-retarded regime where chiral effects can be comparable in magnitude to their electric and magnetic counterparts. We show requirements for probing chiral CP effects in matter-wave interferometry in the transmission signal and the interference fringe visibility.

Fumika Suzuki, and W. G. Unruh,
Numerical quantum clock simulations for measuring tunneling times,
Phys. Rev. A 107, 042216 (2023)

We simulated a method for measuring quantum tunnelling time using the adiabatic theorem. This method causes backaction in a different way from the conventional method using the Larmor clock. Especially, we focused on the numerical simulation of the dynamics of a wave packet, rather than a single plane wave, since the latter extends over all of space and the concept of tunneling times for the wave is unclear. By comparing the outcomes of these two types of measurements, we showed that the quantum tunneling time may appear shorter for higher barriers due to the limits on the precision of tunneling time measurements, which are caused by the energy of the clock.

Fumika Suzuki, Mikhail Lemeshko, Wojciech H. Zurek, Roman V. Krems,
Anderson Localization of Composite Particles,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 160602 (2021)

Anderson localization (AL) is known as a consequence of interference between multiple scattering paths. However, decoherence destroys interference phenomena. In this paper, we studied how AL of composite particles can be suppressed by decoherence due to their own internal states. We showed that decoherence due to the internal states can reduce localization or even may induce extended states on a 2D lattice.

Publications, Preprints with Students

Bhavay Tyagi, Fumika Suzuki, Vladimir A. Chernyak, Nikolai A. Sinitsyn,
Asymmetry Amplification by a Nonadiabatic Passage through a Critical Point,
Phys. Rev. A 111, 032205 (2025)

Vijay Ganesh Sadhasivam, Fumika Suzuki, Bin Yan, Nikolai A. Sinitsyn,
Parametric tuning of dynamical phase transitions in ultracold reactions,
Nat. Commun. 15, 10246 (2024)

A coherent transformation between ultracold atoms and molecules, including between completely bosonic condensates, is enabled by the magneto-association of atoms at a Feshbach resonance, which results in a passage through a quantum critical point. In this study, we show that the presence of generic interactions between the constituent atoms and molecules can fundamentally alter the nature of the critical point, change the yield of the reaction, and modify the order of the consequent phase transition. Furthermore, we demonstrate that non-adiabatic excitations in a first-order quantum phase transition can be described by the sum of Kibble-Zurek scaling and a first-order correction, similarly to the result presented in Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 241601 (2024).

Nikolai A. Sinitsyn, Vijay Ganesh Sadhasivam, Fumika Suzuki,
Nonadiabatic transitions during a passage near a critical point,
J. Chem. Phys. 160, 074104 (2024)

The study of nonadiabatic excitations that emerge during a slow passage through a quantum critical point is crucial for quantum annealing computers, and also has applications in cosmology, quantum metrology and control. We derived the exact number of excitations analytically within a regime where a system pass in the vicinity of the critical point without crossing it.

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